The Kingdom of the Son of God's Love

'He has rescued us completely from the tyrannical rule of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom realm of his beloved Son. For in the Son all our sins are canceled and we have the release of redemption through his very blood.' Colossions 1:13-14 (TPT)

We are rescued the day that we are saved from the very tyrannical rule of the damned, who's characteristics are darkness which is the very symbolic representation of sin, error and misery and death. Suffering and pain.These things had control over me at one time. The time before the deliverance. The time before I met Jesus Christ. The time before I was rescued by Him from the effects of dominion and brought to my senses. He has brought me to my current state of enjoyment and has freely given to me all the privileges that being connected with the Kingdom of Light brings with it. 

For Jesus's blood translated me, literally, I was moved from the pit into the glorious Kingdom of the Son of God's Love realm and was put in close proximity to God's very own precious Son Jesus. That was no minor thing. Suddenly, I became a subject in a new Kingdom, subject to a new King, under new laws and belonging to a different community. The Church. Radical. 

Everything became brand new. That regeneration was complete and it still is complete and it is transformational. Look at what it's done for me.  Look at what it is doing. That release of redemption power came over me and it saved me completely. One day darkness, next day light. One day sin, next day sin debt canceled. One day ignorance and misery, next day holiness, happiness and knowledge. There is nothing in life quite like it. There is nothing in life more important than this.

How refreshing. The winds of change are coming over me. Holy Spirit is doing and is about to do something new. Prophetic governance. There is beginning to be a change in the atmosphere. There is hope. And even though I am still in the same circumstances as before, nothing is the same and nothing will ever be the same again. Brand new me. Through Him I am beginning to see my potential and the things around me differently now. I am so thankful to be free from sin bondage and under the blood of Jesus. He has delivered me. I will never let go of Him and Holy Spirit power. I will never go back to the old way of doing things and the way things were before. To be loved and forgiven, what an incredible gift!

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