Be One of the Five

'Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love.  This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.'  Hebrews 10:24-25 (TPT)

With everything that I've got I am to encourage them as they have done to me and to motivate them towards acts of love. Acts of love are a thing of beauty. We can add a thing of beauty to any situation that we find ourselves in. Beauty in style. Beauty in grace. Beauty is everything in the Lord. The Lord in us brings out the beauty around us. The Lord is Love. Stay in His presence.

How can we get Him to manifest His presence more in our lives? That's the place where the power is. That's the place where His healing is. Your presence can bring healing too. As you smile and as you wait upon the Lord, and as you speak and as you love you encourage and you inspire. Your presence is powerful.

Your presence was like a gift to me last night. Your gift of time and as you spoke and shared your thoughts and life you inspired me on. You bring life to me. Everyone is encouraged by your thoughtful and encouraging words. That encouraging word was like a little outburst of love, it came so suddenly and yet was so unexpected and oh so much appreciated. I could live on that one word of hope from you for the entire week. You are just that important to me. You add so much to our prayers and our small group. When you are not there, you are missed. You take an important active role when you are in one of the F-A-I-T-H chairs. It's such a small circle of friends. We love you. Be one of the five or we all miss a beat. The dance is not complete without you.

So let's think of ways to be creative to encourage each other onward and come together even more frequently as we consider the day of dawning. Let's stir up the love for brother and sister for the Glory of the Lord.

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