Roll Away the Stone

If only Jesus had shown up in time to heal him, Lazarus would not have died. What was He thinking? Lazarus was His friend. That was her complaint. She complained about God's timing. She complained to the God that is not bound to time. He was the God that created it. Know this Martha, God is never too late.

Lazarus was healed from more than sickness that day. He was healed from death in that tomb. Healed, resurrected and waiting. Alive and breathing and yet stuck in his tomb circumstances, ready to be set free. When will they get it? When will they understand and believe? Soon enough. They were about to see with their own eyes what their hearts wanted to believe but what their minds could not comprehend.

Lazarus was trapped. He needed her. When Jesus told the sisters to 'roll away the stone' they were not prepared for what happened next. They had witnessed what Jesus could do but never at this level of sickness. He was operating at a level beyond the grave. No matter where He spoke the Holy Spirit listened and acted. And now He has given us the authority. He works through us now. No matter where He speaks through us the Holy Spirit listens and acts. Our words give the God that healeth thee access to our pain and allows Him to do something supernatural about it.

When I am told to 'roll away the stone' In the natural, I may try to justify why something God tells me to do won't work, but then is where I need to press in even more spiritually with my faith and not my feelings. I am responsible for what I allow myself to hear. Am I listening to toxic words or faith words? Am I hearing God speak words of life through others over me, or God forbid, do I allow and even invite the enemy to speak words of death through others over me? 'Roll away the stone' is just the access I have to it when the healing has already been done!

Too many times we are hearing the lies and lying in our own tombs of death, all bound up in our feelings, identifying ourselves with our illnesses. Could this be me? Am I waiting for a word of sympathy, when God is waiting to hear a word of faith from me so that He might come and heal me? If only someone would hear from God and just show up to speak a word of healing over me and I would believe it, that Word would loose me.

God is the God of breakthroughs. It wasn't Lazarus' faith that set him free that day. Someone else needed that miracle to help boost their faith. Lazarus was God's death to life story that Martha and Mary needed. They saw with minds of doubt until their eyes were opened to the power of God that was available when they saw what faith could do and their hearts believed.

'Jesus told them, “Roll away the stone.” Then Martha said, “But Lord, it’s been four days since he died—by now his body is already decomposing!” John 11:39 (TPT)

Dear Father. Help me to believe. No limits. Hold back nothing. Help me to make wise choices in what I see and hear. Let my life be faithful and true. Use me Lord. Fill my mouth with words of healing so Holy Spirit can move. May my actions be about saving and loosing. Keep me free from ever condemning You for being too late, for I am thankful that your timing is always perfect. May my lips always praise You. Thank You for healing and saving me. In Jesus name. Amen.
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