Why Pray?

'Never stop praying.' 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT)

Why pray? When our elected officials doubt that there is a God and question why we even pray, that is a call to pray. We should pray for our leaders. We should especially pray for those that are called to represent us without knowing Him and allowing Him to guide them. If they don't listen to Him, then who is guiding them? It is God's desire that all might find Him before it is too late and that they too might develop a personal relationship with and follow Jesus.

God has called all believers to pray. He calls us to it and we are obedient to do whatever He says. He is our God of peace. Our Savior, Jesus prayed and He is our righteous example. Praying is how we talk to and listen to our Heavenly Father. God established prayer as part of His plan to accomplish His will while we are still in the world. Even though evil is in the world, we believe that God uses prayer to change us. He is our God of mercy and grace. We believe we are in the mighty presence of God when we pray.

Prayer is how we can gain spiritual strength from God to overcome evil. Prayer is how we communicate with God and make our petitions known to Him. We are to pray constantly. Prayer is always available to us and it keeps us humble. It's our way of experiencing God and when He answers us it becomes part of our testimony of His great Love for us,. When He answers us it becomes a witnessing tool that helps to encourage other believers in the faith.

Prayer works when other methods I have tried don't. I believe He hears me and always answers me when I pray. Only a personal relationship with God can satisfy all of my emotional needs and fulfill my spiritual hunger. Praying constantly in the spirit keeps me flowing in His presence.with a joyful and a thankful heart. Praying without ceasing is what keeps me dependent on Him. That is why I believe. That is why I pray.

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