Let the Saved Say So

'Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaim
that He has redeemed them from the hand of the foe

and has gathered them from the lands—
from the east and the west,
from the north and the south.' Psalm 107:2-3 (HCSB)

If we are redeemed we ought to say so! Say-so. Speak the Word. Say it loudly. Not on our own word, but on the Word of the Lord. The Lord is the one that has delivered us out of our circumstances. He was to us, our rescuer and our redeemer. We call Him our Lord. We call out to Him and we gratefully name all of His benefits.

He benefited us in so many ways. His rescue was complete. From the very beginning we were taken captive by the enemy and were witnesses to unbelievable horrors and some of us suffered many things. Even during our travels to freedom we were exposed to the uttermost extremes that nature could put out, burning sun and heat of day, bitter wind and cold of night, yet we endured many harships. He gathered us. He protected us from our foe. We traveled to His home from all four corners of the earth. We made it.

They still come. He redeems them all. Saving them from Satan's snare. He brings them through the dangers, the toils, the temptations and the wilderness. He brings them through it all, all those weary travelers that are hungry and seeking after His righteousness find it and more. He accepts them all and communes with them and fills them with all the goodness of His Kingdom, all the grace and the Glory is theirs forever and ever. Amen.

This is why the travelers can not be silent. This is why they are to say so. This is why they tell their story. Lest there be one that hasn't heard and would be encouraged by the telling. They cannot be silent after coming through such trials and not fainting and surviving horrific storms and to be healed and being made stronger. It is their calling now to speak. It is their way.

It is our Way of faith to share the Good News. To believe it is one thing. To see it is another. But to have lived it! Ah! That is the incredible part. It all seems so unbelievable now. It was not easy, but we fought the dragons of life and won! Yes we did. You and I together! Ball tossed. Catch this. If we were saved we ought to say so.. For the sake of Jesus. And we do! 

Let's pray. Father, I am a born-again believer who has professed Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You have loved me and redeemed me. It is time for me to rise up against the lies of the enemy and say so! I believer in You. I am your child and joint heirs with Jesus. I speak the Word. Thank You Jesus, I am free from poverty, sickness and death for my life is governed by the law of the Spirit of Life through Christ. Therefore, I am free from the law of sin and death and it's effects. I have been given authority to take back everything that the enemy has stolen. In finding favor in You, I am taking hold of faith. I am taking hold of the Word. My covenant rights are being restored even now. I am an overcomer and can do all things through Christ! I am redeemed and I am not ashamed to say so! Amen.

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