Narrow and Straight

'I am the door; by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.' John 10:9 (KJ21)

 Christ offers Himself to the world and with a promise, that He alone is able to handle all of our needs. No other could do all that He takes as His own responsibilities as our God. He saves us, He keeps us secure. He sustains us and gives us a hope and a larger purpose.

Through Him I find safety. His love is strong and His hands are mighty. He is my defense against a strong wind and evil that presents itself. I should not trust in my own limited physical power, but just believe in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Keeping Him between me and the world gives me confidence because I know He loves me.

I am free to enter into His peace and to go out where He sends me to obediently follow His will. I have access to the hidden treasures of the temple and to pursue the mysteries of the world of service. I am free to serve as a woman of faith. I am free from the chains of sin. I am free to come and go as He directs me when I look to Him as the door to a full life. Keep it simple, narrow and straight is the way that leads to Life!

 Image may contain: ocean, sky, text and outdoor


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