No Fabric Softener Needed

'Your adornment must not be merely external—with interweaving and elaborate knotting of the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or [being superficially preoccupied with] dressing in expensive clothes; but let it be [the inner beauty of] the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality and unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit, [one that is calm and self-controlled, not overanxious, but serene and spiritually mature] which is very precious in the sight of God.' 1 Peter 3:3-4 (AMP)

Air dry your clothes. In this way you maintain longevity, of the fabric. Do not use fabric softener, which smells nice but adds nothing of value and can be quite harmful to your clothes and dangerous to you as well. This film that your dryer sheets add to your clothing, could cause skin irritation and allergies by cutting off air flow and increase flammability. You skin needs to breath. Your clothes should be flame resistant. To keep your clothes soft, throw them in the dryer for a few minutes to fluff them up after they dry. Isn't this the way our mothers used to, and maybe even still do take care of their laundry? Read the fabric labels. So it is with our spiritual lives.

Read the labels. Read God's Word. Why should I spend a lot of time and money on what I wear or how I fix my hair? Why do I feel compelled to add icing to the cake? It taste good. I get that, but I don't need the extra calories. Of course I want to look nice for my husband, but good grief, I could go overboard with it and isn't this just lavishing too much on the trivial?

The trivial matters often corrupt and I know where that might lead me. Don't you agree? Too much time and money spent on the external is often time wasted that could have been spent on the riches of the things that are internal. That is no trivial matter. I desire to make sure that I keep everything in perspective by maintaining a healthy and balanced life. I want to please my husband and my God. The external demands my attention and I am not suggesting that I should ignore its pleas completely. However, the internal beauty is the place that is never demanding and often neglected and where I should be spending more time, as that is the kind that is precious in the sight of God.

What about the time spent on the external? Superficial preoccupation? Wasted! Our Lord does not care for it as much as He desires to see the beauty of my soul and wants me to develop in the graces of the Holy Spirit. He encourages me to do the things that keep me on fire for Him. To be on fire for the Lord is to increase flammability by spending time on getting my Spirit in order. If I don't have the time, then I will make the time. Just like hanging my clothes out to dry takes time, I also need to make some time for God's fresh air to purify me. Perhaps, then, I am to put on the air dried flammable things of God to keep Him first and to keep applying more and more of what ignites the Holy Spirit fire in me. Orderliness. Unfading charms. Gentleness. Peacefulness. Self-control. Anxious for nothing. Serenity. Maturity. What women wouldn't want these things? What man would not desire a wife with these imperishable qualities?

Rethink your laundry routine. Develop good habits. Put off the old man. Put on the new man. From now on, I really don't need to add anything but laundry soap to my wash! Air dry my clothes. No fabric softener needed! Amen.

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