Finding Him (once again) In the Praise

'Then I will sing praises to your name forever, and I will do what I promised every single day.' Psalm 61:8 (CEB)

My desire
Is to be engaged in it

Praises to Your name
My God Reigns!

My Promised to You

The 'it' in the poem above is my desire to serve God every day. Some days that seems to be more of a challenge than others for me. I have come to realize that serving Him seems to be associated with praising Him. That's the direct link. Jesus is the door. No need to be looking for open doors any longer. He is the meaning to life. He is the answer. Simply put, I need to praise Him in order to keep my vows.

When I neglect the praise part of my day then all else is forgotten in the process. Miss a praise day and it effects my entire week. Broken promises lead to bad days. Only after praising Him am I able to do every single day that which I promised Him I would do. The praise seems to keep the promises in mind. There is power in the praise.

I notice that when I praise Him the desire for more of Him and His favor grows. As I experience more of Him my desires become more intense. His mercies are new each morning as He leads me to His Word and new truths to me He does reveal. I am confident in the search that I can find hope and that I can enjoy His presence forever! He can always be found in the praise.

We have some great times together! That garment has hung in the closet too long. Too many things have tried to bring me down. I believe that You are in this and that makes all the difference. My circumstances are only God opportunities when I let You have Your way. Today is a new day. I will get out of the way and keep my focus on You. Time to get my Paul and Silas style praise on! Shine some more of Your favor on me even now Lord! Let the praises begin! Chains be broken! My God reigns! Let everything that has breath 'Praise the Lord'!

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