We Worship God in This Country

'Now, the “Lord” I’m referring to is the Holy Spirit, and wherever he is Lord, there is freedom.' 2 Corinthians 3:17 (TPT)

Musings on a theme:
Don't lose hope. Don't lose liberty. Don't allow the government to take away our freedoms for some stupid ideology. Don't be intellectually lazy just to get what they promise to provide for free. Nothing is free. My hope remains in my freedom.

Don't let anyone steal your soul for a cup of soup. Don't let your parents or your government rob you of your pride and dignity from doing for yourself what you are capable of. Job satisfaction is the reward of a hard days work and honest pay.

You know her. She has pride in her accomplishments. She is determined to get what she wants. She is a self starter and she is free. No one can take her drive and her will away from her. To her, hard work equals dreams realized. 

Don't replace God with government. We worship God in this country, not government. We fight our battles on our knees in prayer. Where the Holy Spirit is ruling and teaching us the truth, there is freedom. Don't deny or block the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Harvest. 

When I meet men I admire in a book line, or at an event they always ask me for my name. Not Jesus. He already knew me. I had to get to know Him. I know myself better because I know Him. I am a better person because He is in my life. He is my Lord and His Gospel is my Peace. There is peace in understanding.

I pray for peace, but am ready to go to war for what I believe in; my family, my way of life, my freedom. I fight for freedom and justice and against tyranny in the spiritual realm. I do not fight against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. I can see a day when we are all on our knees, worshiping the God of Heaven and Earth.

Don't lose liberty to a stupid ideal.

Dear Father. Thank you for the excellent Work of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you for the excellent Work of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for the freedoms that we have been given because of our religious freedoms in this country. We Worship You and not government. We pray that everyone will come to know You. We pray for Your Peace and we thank You for Your Liberty. In Jesus's name. Amen.

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