Fire in My Belly

'Simply be confident and allow the Spirit of Wisdom access to your heart, and he will reveal in that very moment what you are to say to them.”' Luke 12:12 (TPT)

God needs us and our voice. His Gospel of Peace goes forth by our words. Words of Faith have power. Simply look at the void that is left in the world in the past when the Church stopped talking.

In my weakness, I might prefer to remain silent. In this matter, Kingdom business, my silence will absolutely not protect the innocent. How can I even know what to speak?  How can I know what to say? How can I know when the time is right to say it? God knows. God reveals. When I speak, God speaks. To God be the Glory, forever and ever.

God knows everything and all I need to do is to just trust Him. I should listen to the Spirit of Wisdom. I could start trusting Him today by allowing the Holy Spirit total access to my heart. Jesus said it, "I have come to set the earth on fire. And how I long for every heart to be already ablaze with this fiery passion for God!" Luke 12:49.

Through Him alone I can have all confidence that He will reveal the Truth to me. That He will tell me what to say. He is perfect and His timing is flawless. I have no reason to worry or to fret. I can soar with the eagles above the fray with the Holy Spirit as my comforter and guide. ' And they overcame him with the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony' Revelation 12:11. Let's pray.

Dear Father. You are Holy. Forgive us when we fail You. Thank you for revealing to us what it is that You would have us to pray and to say. Thank you for the fire power that is available to us through Your Spirit. Your Kingdom come! We want to be Kingdom builders too! In Jesus's name. Amen.

Image result for luke 12:12 picture quote


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