God Chaser

'Everyone became silent and listened carefully as Paul and Barnabas shared with the council at length about the signs and wonders and miracles God had worked through them while ministering to the non-Jewish people.' Acts 15:12 (TPT)

God speaks to me in more ways than I can count. I am a God chaser but when I'm in the flesh it is so hard to hear Him. Too many distractions. In fact, most of what I accomplish in the flesh is for me and God is never impressed by any of it. He alone wants the glory. So, in spite of my desires to do good and finding myself in the same old wilderness time and time again I am finally beginning to see what put me there. His love and my lack of faith. Yep, His love. For He loves me too much to leave me in my current state. 

God loves me. This is where I must begin. That is where I see myself and where my lack of faith and my understanding show me just how much I need Him. That is when I see Him in all of His glory and His righteousness is at times, too much to bear. That is where I am tempted to turn and flee from Him and when I find even more how much I truly need Him.

Faithful and true He always pursues and woos me back. Never enjoying even a moment of the dry bones and the desert, I always end up back at His feet. I am learning to trust and to be satisfied through it all. Because of the precious blood of Jesus, I am learning to find the balance and live in the flesh and be spirit filled at all times. Even in the little things, He desires a relationship with me. I am learning to listen in silence to hear the voice of God. Amen.

Source: Biblegateway.com; google.com.

Mother Teresa Quotes On Silence


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