Receiving My Spiritual Inheritance

'For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of sonship. When we cry, “Abba! Father!' Romans 8:15 (RSV)

And it is a process for me in becoming the daughter of God. There have been so many moments of meeting Him there in my prayer room and being filled with His spirit. That has been where it started and where it will end. It is by obedience in intercessory prayer that He has prepared me for the life of the Father in me. And it was in that very room fifteen years ago that the Lord came to me while I was seeking more of Him. It was such a real visitation and even though God is Spirit, I could even hear Him breathing. There He was as that room became filled with His Glory and the most loving presence that I have ever known came over me and into me. 

The day I met the Father I began receiving a little more of my Spiritual inheritance. The Father's presence changed the atmosphere. Even though I was dealing with some tough issues at the time, all fear was gone. I felt safe. The most gracious spirit came over me and it lasted for days. His presence put His complete Love for everyone into my heart. Everything seemed to fall into place in my life. I felt free as the joy of the Lord filled my heart that day. Since then, I have never looked back. What an amazing encounter. What an amazing God. What an unbelievable gift it is to be adopted into His Kingdom and to be able to call Him Father!

Dear Father. Knowing You is the beginning of wisdom. Thank You for the times that You make Your presence known to us. Thank You for the glimpses that You give us of Your very nature, that of love. Love that completes us. Love that is good and wonderful and kind. And even the Love that overwhelms us at times when we need You the most. We respect You and we thank you that we can call You our Father. Make Yourself at home in us. Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice at the Cross. In Jesus's name. Amen.

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