Fear Not

'Be not afraid of their faces, for I am with thee to deliver thee,” saith the Lord.' Jeremiah 1:8 (KJ21)

'The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?' Jeremiah 17:9 (KJ21)

Doesn't a lack of experience and timidity cause fear? We see it. We know it.  But relief comes in knowing that the Lord is always near. Fear not! God spoke directly to the prophet with these encouraging words. God said, 'Do not fear the face of man'. The prophet was given a difficult message to hear and was told to deliver it to the people directly. Some of those faces he was about to speak God's Word to may have been the very faces of his adversaries.

Just as in life, we must take the good with the bad. Fierce looks and outrageous minds may be awaiting us during this season.  Offense may be taken by some at the harsh Word of God that is about to be spoken. That it needs to be spoken is most evident by their behavior. Will they even listen? Apathy is a response that is often given to the message as well. The prophet never knows how people will take the message but God promises His protection through it all.

The eyes and the nose and the mouth are three of the head's sense organs, through these we express many emotions. But it is not the face that we should fear. The eyes can 'direct' and the nostrils can 'flare' and the tongue is a 'mighty' member, but it is the heart of a person that is at the root of most problems, for it is evil. Who can know what it is capable of? It can become so sick as to make a man cruel and become so full of jealousy and hate of the kind that turns him into rage that erupts into violence that may bring pain and even death to another. 

What is in the heart can cause the mouth and eyes to say that one thing which can break another heart. In the natural, heart disease is the leading cause of death for most people. When the heart stops beating life ends. Only one thing is lacking that can cure evil. And there is One that can heal the broken and the sick heart. He came to save us. He came to give us Life. He is the Great Healer. His name is Jesus.

Do not fear the face. A haughty look or an unkind word may sting for the moment but that is not what destroys. It's what's in the heart that is at the very heart of the matter. What is missing from the heartless is a heart filled with the Love of God. The one true love that can make a difference in this world is the Love of Jesus. Jesus can change a heart.  Rely on Him. Rely on the One True God.

Jesus is The Way to a Life that is rich and productive. Don't trust your life to anyone else. Rely on people alone and life will be hard and painful.

Dear Father.

Direct our paths. Give us the words to say. Your Word. Protect us and remove all fear. Make us bold to share the Truth and our Faith. You alone Jesus are what this world needs and what the lost is looking for. In the name of Jesus we bind the things of hell; sickness and pain, calamity and strife, financial problems and lack, every evil and wicked thing and death. In Jesus's name we loose heavenly things; healing and health, love and joy, peace and prosperity, security and wisdom and life. Thank you for the power of binding and loosing. Thank you for mending our broken hearts. Thank you for healing our sick hearts and for saving our souls.

In Jesus's mighty name we pray.


Source: Biblegateway.com; google.com.
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