Trusting in the Truth

'Still the rebellious one arrives with all sorts of power, performing signs and fake miracles sanctioned by Satan; he employs every manner of wicked deception to wile away those who are destined for eternal death because they reject the love of the truth that leads to salvation. Because of this, God sends a deceptive influence over them so they will wander from the truth and believe the lie. As a result, God will judge all of those who did not entrust themselves to the truth when it faced them but instead reveled in wickedness.' 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (VOICE)

Would I believe a lie?  When the Truth faces me, then what? Face up to the truth? That's humbling. Continue to believe the lie? That's trusting in myself.

How can I save myself? Shouldn't I just face up to the fact that I need a Savior? Couldn't I just face up to the truth that rebellion leads to a dead end street and too much time whiling away the hours in my sins, while there are so many good things I could be doing with my time instead?

At one fatal point, the wasted hours and deception could lead to an eternal death apart from God the Father. If I knew Jesus, I could trust in God and turn from my wicked ways right now. I could love the Truth and turn to the Light of Life, for my salvation. If my lack of knowledge leads to destruction, then I think I would be wise to commit to reading the Bible more and finding out the Spiritual Truths for myself. He would reveal to me through His Spirit what I need to do to be more like Him. Then I could find True Love and the Love of God that only He would reveal to me.

At some point I need to be able to discern the truth from fiction. At some point it will be harder to make the right choices.  At some point I must choose to believe the lie or I may not be allowed to eat. Isn't that crazy? The Word reveals that one day my own government will want me dead if I don't believe what they tell me. They are already trying to starve me spiritually as they legislate immorality. At some point making the right choice might lead to my physical death by starvation as well.  Starvation of Spirit and body will surely manifest during the end of days when the rebellious one arrives, and the government controls the economy with the mark of the beast chip and forces everyone into the government's religion. So much for virtue, diversity and equality. None of that will be tolerated.

Grace is the only way. Face the Truth. God's grace covers us all. Jesus died so that we all might live and share eternity with Him in Heaven. This day I choose to make the right choice and believe the Gospel. What the government does to me will only last a lifetime, but for those that choose to deny the truth when it faces them,  they will live for all eternity in torment and darkness.

Dear Father. Forgive me for my lack of knowledge. I pray for Your Truth to be revealed to me. Thank you that the Church will escape the Tribulation brought on by the anti-Christ. Thank you for saving me and my family. I lift You up as Truth. I worship You as Lord. May Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done. In Jesus's name. Amen.


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