Have You Heard?

“I have declared the former things from the beginning;
They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it.
Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.
Because I knew that you were obstinate,
And your neck was an iron sinew,
And your brow bronze,
Even from the beginning I have declared it to you;
Before it came to pass I proclaimed it to you,
Lest you should say, ‘My idol has done them,
And my carved image and my molded image
Have commanded them.’
“You have heard;
See all this.
And will you not declare it?
I have made you hear new things from this time,
Even hidden things, and you did not know them.
They are created now and not from the beginning;
And before this day you have not heard them,
Lest you should say, ‘Of course I knew them.’
Surely you did not hear,
Surely you did not know;
Surely from long ago your ear was not opened.
For I knew that you would deal very treacherously,
And were called a transgressor from the womb.'
Isaiah 48:3-8 (NKJV)

Father God always does what He says He will do and even after seeing all of His power and glory the sons of Jacob still refuse to believe or to obey. God spoke to His sons and daughters through His prophets because they were stiff-necked and unteachable. He had to be creative in dealing with them in spiritual matters.

We have all inherited a sin nature from Adam. None can hear. None can know. We are all in need of a savior.

God is merciful and slow to anger. Have you heard the Good News? His prophesies about the Messiah are about to be revealed to us. He is getting ready to tell us new things, hidden things and that in which we do not know, but only what we can understand for the moment. The world needs Jesus. 

To be free, I must receive Him in order to break the chains of sin in my life and give control of my will over to my spirit. He is coming again soon. Amen.

Source: Biblegateway.com; Biblehub.com; Bible-studys.org; google.com.
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