Forever and Never Alone
'I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ
Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present
things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other
thing that is created.' Romans 8:38-39 (CEB)
No matter where I go, Love will find me here. I am never alone. Nothing that I could possibly say or do would cause Him to love me less. It seems unfathomable, yet here Love remains and all because of Jesus. Truth. Salvation so huge, for all and it's free. He found me. Love so inspiring, every detail so beautiful it overwhelms me. No beginning. No end. All powerful. All I need. God's Love in Jesus. I found that Love and never have to fear losing You again. Fullness. Included and inclusive. Forever and never alone.
No matter where I go, Love will find me here. I am never alone. Nothing that I could possibly say or do would cause Him to love me less. It seems unfathomable, yet here Love remains and all because of Jesus. Truth. Salvation so huge, for all and it's free. He found me. Love so inspiring, every detail so beautiful it overwhelms me. No beginning. No end. All powerful. All I need. God's Love in Jesus. I found that Love and never have to fear losing You again. Fullness. Included and inclusive. Forever and never alone.
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