Being an Overcomer

'But: If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him a drink. For by doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.' Romans 12:20-21 (EHV)

Do good to those who hate you. Take care of his needs. When he sees the good that you do, this will surely bring pain and condemnation upon him and his conscience will convict him of the evil things he has done to you. Being a peacemaker could result in leading him to repentance. This is a principle of Godly living.

I may resist anger and wrath, but who could resist a good deed? The good deeds are the ones that touch hearts in such a way as to bring me to remember the anger and humbles me. Simple acts of humanity and benevolence are so powerful. Kindness to the one usually results in the evil doer being undone. See your enemy undone. When something is undone, it is usually easier to put it back together in a more desirable way. This could be my second chance. My enemy could become my friend.

Peace is restored to the world, even if it starts with me doing the difficult thing, to go against my nature, and to do the greater good. Evil for evil comes natural with more of same to come. Why not evil for good? God's answer to evil is, give the man a drink when he is thirsty, or a piece of bread when he is hungry. Do the right thing. Be an overcomer. Wrong becomes right. Poor becomes rich. Sick become healed. Weak becomes strong. Enemy becomes friend. Evil becomes good. I am beginning to see the pattern here when I pray and seek God's favor. When I am tempted to seek revenge, the Gospel and the grace of God shows me another way. A way to restoration. He wills that what I have lost will soon be restored. God's ways are greater. When I seek His face and follow His ways I can become an overcomer. Today I am an overcomer!

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