Dog Like Obedience

'I will teach you and tell you the way to go and how to get there; I will give you good counsel, and I will watch over you. But don’t be stubborn and stupid like horses and mules who, if not reined by leather and metal, will run wild, ignoring their masters.' Psalm 32:8-9 (VOICE)

David's warning to sinners on obedience was coming from one who knew from experience the effects of a life of sin, lies, deceit, death and destruction and also the grace and mercy of a forgiving God. His lessons of life developed in him a maturity that qualified him to be able to teach others how to avoid the same mistakes he had made. Like a wild horse that has been trained by hard lessons and mistakes, his heart was broken and he was considered a man after God's own heart. I have first hand experience, learn from me he says. Sin ends in sorrow. I will tell you the way to go and even show you how to get there. The wild horses and mules must be caught and trained to be obedient, but I will teach you how to avoid the pain of rebelling against the Master. Don't be like those. I will teach you what I know and keep an eye on you to make sure that you are learning the lessons well.

Know this. We all have a free will and it's up to us to make the wise choice to follow the Lord. We would be smart to avoid the ways of the world. In the world the hill that we must climb is steep and we are forced to carry a heavy load while we submit to the taskmaster by way of pain and sometimes leather, metal and whips. The Lord offers another way. We are encouraged to follow His ways which are filled with many helpful signs and road blocks that He sets up along the path. He guides us and teaches us on both the difficult and the easy journeys and offers us much support, training and help as He travels the roads of life with us. His Way offers a life of mutual respect, freedom and love. The bit and reins method of obedience used by the world symbolizes the obstinate and the rude and stubborn nature of the untrained and undisciplined. This method can get much work done, but at such a high price. The opposite and preferable approach is found in the more mature and civilized nature of the one choosing to follow and yield to the Lord with reason and conscience, following Him in a kind of well trained dog like obedience. This type of nature can also get much work done, the kind that is more pleasing to the Lord and to us all.

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