Yes, oh Yes, a Thousand Times Yes

'Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of your possession? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in showing clemency.

He will again have compassion upon us; he will tread our iniquities under foot. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.' Micah 7:18-19 (NRSV)

He does the pardoning and the passing, the action that He takes that frees me from the guilt burden that I bear and the punishment that is due me. He breaks the power that sin holds over me. I am healed.

He does delight in showing mercy and does not stay angry at me forever because He takes pity on me and His compassion for what I bring on myself and for what the enemy puts me through is overwhelming. I am free.

He does show compassion on me, not just this once, but repeatedly and over and over again. Every time. He takes all of my failings and puts them under His feet to be trampled on and defeated. I am saved.

He does the casting, taking care to include it all and throws it so far out into the sea that it will never be remembered by Him and so far down into the deep that it won't return to Him as a reminder. There they lie, my dirty filthy sins, at the bottom of the deep and into the darkness. I am forgiven.

Who is like you? None Lord. No not one. It is your faithfulness and your perfect plan to do good works to the end and to save your people. To endure the ages and come out on top. To prove to everyone in the end that You are the One True God. That Christ is the Great Hope for those who find Him. No other gods. No other religions. Just One.

There is none like You. That is why I sing praises to Your name. That is why I love you. That is why I am so grateful that I found you. That is why I said yes to your proposal. You healed me. You set me free. You saved me. You forgave me. I said yes to You and a thousand times you showed your Love for me. You did it all for me!

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