Open the Door and Let Him In

'Come now, let us argue it out, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow;
though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool. Isaiah 1:18 (NRSV)

The Lord's invitation is real and has been sent. Come now. The time is now, Today is the day. The purpose of this get together, it's a conference of sorts, is to debate. A debate with the Infinite about my future. From time to time God has given me, the ungodly, an opportunity to debate with Him. Though it doesn't seem reasonable that I, the finite, could make any of my arguments sound defensible. Here is my chance to sound a sensible defense for my actions and lack thereof. Omissions. Commissions. Complaints. Really?

The issue is always the same with me. When I hear the knocking, I freeze and consider that the One on the other side is approaching me in anger. The hand that is knocking was in fact nailed to a tree! Righteous indignation. How else might He feel? How might He possibly treat me with mercy? Being that my sins were what put Him there. I am so unclean and at times surprise even myself when I consider all the wrong that I have done and am capable of doing. Be advised. Would He have gone to that cross if He did not love me? Would He be at the door knocking if He didn't mean well for me?

So, then what does He want with me if not to punish me? What are His plans for me? What are His goals for me? Immediate and endless happiness! If I was sensible I might see the remarkable beauty and grace of God and what He is offering to provide for me. Justify the ungodly! Whoa!

Don't miss this! Do not refuse His knocking then. Run to Him. Incline the ear. Listen carefully to His rebuttals. Take in every word. Let the good Word sink deep into my soul. Get the image of the clean white snow and the pure white wool in my head. His love offers this for me. This may be the very hour that I come to myself and enter into the new life that He offers which is the beginning of heaven. His blood covers all my sins. Why then might I not be justified? Justify me at once! He is the only one capable of doing it. Open the door and take His hand. Get to know Him. Let Him into your heart. My Savior! I come!

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