Feeding the Five Thousand

'The apostles gathered around Jesus. They reported to him everything they had done and taught. So he said to them, “Let’s go to a place where we can be alone to rest for a while.” Many people were coming and going, and Jesus and the apostles didn’t even have a chance to eat.

So they went away in a boat to a place where they could be alone. But many people saw them leave and recognized them. The people ran from all the cities and arrived ahead of them. When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw a large crowd and felt sorry for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd. So he spent a lot of time teaching them.

When it was late, his disciples came to him. They said, “No one lives around here, and it’s already late. Send the people to the closest farms and villages to buy themselves something to eat.”

Jesus replied, “You give them something to eat.”

They said to him, “Should we go and spend about a year’s wages on bread to feed them?”

He said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.”

When they found out, they told him, “Five loaves of bread and two fish.”

Then he ordered all of them to sit down in groups on the green grass. They sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties.

After he took the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and blessed the food. He broke the loaves apart and kept giving them to the disciples to give to the people. He also gave pieces of the two fish to everyone. All of them ate as much as they wanted. When they picked up the leftover pieces, they filled twelve baskets with bread and fish. There were 5,000 men who had eaten the bread. Mark 5:30-44 (GW)

It is right that we should assemble ourselves together from time to time to give thanks and to rest. We need to have that time together in order for each of us to compare stories. My life is important. Your life is important. How very important it is that we should tell one another of our adventures. Shouldn't we be willing to be vulnerable to one another and to be held to account and give a report for that which we have done and taught, both the good and the bad? Isn't it the right thing to do when we are alone with Jesus? Isn't it the right thing to do when we gather in unity as a family to give thanks?

And we make our exodus on foot, in boats, cars. trains and planes, to that far off place of refuge. We travel great distances to get away, to get away to find our rest, yet we are never alone. How could we ever hope to be, with One so great as Thee among us? He is the one that draws them near. He is the One that tells them to rest when He never appears to need any rest for Himself. He is the One that comforts them in their time of need. Times are hard and we all need a Shepherd to provide and protect us. He provides order in the chaos and takes that which is small and multiplies it and with supernatural strength brings forth the life giving nourishment to sustain the five thousand. He is the One that provides the spiritual hunger and Bread of Life. He is the One that provides the physical bread of life as well. So we gather together to give thanks to Him for yet another bountiful harvest and year of abundant blessing.

God loves you and so do I. I am so very thankful for you. I thank God for you every day. You are my family, my father and mother, my sister and brother and my friend. I am not willing to dismiss your thoughts, even though we might not always agree on everything or to cast you out. I am so very grateful for the times when we can check out of our commitments just long enough to recharge the batteries so to speak and to get a bite to eat. It is wise for us to take a break from our assignments and our duties just long enough to find rest and to catch up with the family. It is good to know that you will understand and step up to take my place while I refresh. I need you even though I don't always deserve you. I pray for you, that you may always find favor and that you remain in Him and stay fully blessed! Happy Thanksgiving!

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