The King of Kings

'I looked up and saw that heaven had opened. Suddenly, a white horse appeared. Its rider is called Faithful and True, and with righteousness He exercises judgment and wages war. His eyes burn like a flaming fire, and on His head are many crowns. His name was written before the creation of the world, and no one knew it except He Himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name He was known by is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, outfitted in fine linen, white and pure, were following behind Him on white steeds. From His mouth darts a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will rule over them with a scepter made of iron. He will trample the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God, the All Powerful. And there on His robe and on His thigh was written His name: King of kings and Lord of lords.' Revelations 18:11-16 (VOICE)

What a privilege to be able to see into the heavens. What an amazing vision, God does not disappoint. What an incredible image of events to come. One that is almost incomprehensible in the natural, but there it is. We can know it. There He is. Christ, the Head of the Church, riding in on a white horse to represent judgment and wage war on the beast and false prophet. Once He entered the scene on a colt, but now He comes to us in full fury as a Conqueror with purpose and passion in His eyes.

The Conquering Hero comes to the world again dressed in a robe dipped in His own blood for that is the blood that He shed to redeem the multitudes. That is where it began and this is where He will return to put and end to it. The final end to an age of earthly kings and rulers. Christ is Coming Again in full force and power followed by the Armies of Heaven and His Bride, He comes in power and is seen by all who knew Him and the world that disbelieved as He truly is. He is Faithful. Faithful to the Church. He is True. True to His promises of all who believe.

So it beings, the end of the one age and the beginning of the new, just as He has said, just as He has promises. A brand new age where Christ will rule and we shall see Him in all His Glory and call Him King. He is the Messiah! He shall be called the King of Kings and our Lord of Lords!

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