Be Best

'Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. And she made this vow: “O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, if you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. He will be yours for his entire lifetime, and as a sign that he has been dedicated to the Lord, his hair will never be cut.' 1 Samuel 1:10-11 (NLT)

When I mingle my prayers with anguish and tears, God is merciful and just and He hears me. When I pray for the best and mention my needs and all of my desires specifically to Him, He calms my aching heart and changes my countenance. When I take my physical needs to Him, He knows them already and applies the spiritual and I am blessed and I am healed.

I am always led to go to Him first. It is my privilege to take everything to the Lord in prayer and to have Him reconcile it all to God at the mercy-seat. Who else is there? Who else would I trust with my most precious, all my needs, the few deeply held beliefs and desires? There is none other. Only God.

Hannah's prayer, in form, becomes my prayer. She knew the thing that she lacked in life, so she turned to God. She promised to give back to God the thing that she desired the most! She turned to the Best. He responded to her and gave His best! She gave birth to five more children! Thank you, Lord that You hear me and for me to see when You are the cause that You can only be the solution. Amen.
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