God Provides

'The fruit of the righteous is as a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise.' Proverbs 11:30 (GNV)

The righteous are like trees of life. Look at how they influence others. Look at their shade like producing influences around the world. Refreshing. Blessings. Be Blessed. Strong in positions and living tall. How does this work? It's all based on the fruit of that tree. Fruit and righteousness. Everything, is based on you and me. We are not to hold back. No excuses. Freely giving. Freely receiving. Supporting and nourishing the spiritual life of many.  Like  an oasis. Encouraging and not draining them, that's me! That’s who I want to be. No deficit spending allowed. Surpluses only. Overflow. Receiving even more back in return. 

Struggling in life? Read this and discern it. Be wise. Be a soul winner. Be sensitive to the Spirit. The wind blows on us all, but not everyone of us will hear it. Receive what the Holy Spirit is telling you in faith and be fruitful. The rain falls on us all but not everyone will feel it. Feel it in faith and be righteous. Joyful too! Raise a hallelujah! God knows my needs even before I ask. When I see a need that I can fill and water it, I will be watered in return. Be faithful. He provides. Pass the test of money. Test God and see that He will get it to me so that He can get it through me. Learn the lessons of the field. Know the God of multiplication. Sow seeds. Plant and reap. Sow them generously. Harvest time is near.

Need a Word from God? Read His Word. Open His Word. Get it inside of You. He wants to speak to You. He wants to speak through you. His gifts are available to us all. He provides. His gifts are supernatural and He provides but it has to start with me, while I wisely wait on the Lord, even today, and in any season, from where I am planted. Soul winner’s Saturday.

Image result for proverbs 11:30 quote picture 
Source: Biblegateway.com; Biblehub.com; google.com biblebelievers.com.


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