Roman Soldier Style Faith

'Jesus said, “I’ll come and heal him.”' Matthew 8:7 (MSG)

Believe and you shall receive. With Roman Soldier style faith you will see what the miraculous power of Christ and the power of faith can do. 

When we seek The Healer Jesus in faith and belief as the Roman Soldier in Matthew's Gospel did, that is where the power of the Holy Spirit is. When we trust Him to hear us and tell Him of our loved one's disease, He is ready to come and to heal him just as He was then. Just pray to Him the Word of faith and believe it to be true and the healing is already there. Never doubt it. For He is no respecter of persons, what He does for the one who believes He will do for you. Then you will hear Him say to you 'What you believe could happen has happened.' Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace.

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