The Rehma Word

 'Before time itself was measured, the Voice was speaking.

    The Voice was and is God.' John 1:1 (VOICE)

Jesus is called the Word. It is with words that we speak to one another. It was by His words that He spoke about the Father to us. He was there in the beginning even before time and will be there also to the end of this current age. Rest assured. The Voice that we hear through His Word is the very Voice of God. His Voice will be heard. It is direct. It is sharp. We were made to live by every Word that proceeds from His mouth. Speak to us even now Lord God.

Jesus's Voice rings true. He is well qualified for the Work the Father sent Him to do. He was sent to redeem and to save. He is the Light and He is the Life. All things are dependent upon Him. He speaks a specific Word to us and we receive that Word today. Jesus saves.

Dear Father.
You are Love. You sent Your only Son to be the Light of the world and the darkness comprehends it not. So we pray that You reveal Yourself to us and that we comprehend Your eternal Word and walk by faith and not by sight in Your Way. Let Your Voice keep speaking and let Your Words be our guide unto salvation.
In Jesus's name.
Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', November 6, 2019, reposted.
Image result for john 1:1 picture quote"


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