Open Door - Greater Thing
'When they got as far west as the borders of Mysia, they repeatedly attempted to go north into the province of Bithynia, but again the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to enter.' Acts 16:7 (TPT)
did they know? Their attempts to go north were stopped. The missionary
work that went on during those days was lead by the acts of the Holy
Spirit. It was by His activities that they saw success. Warnings were
given. He spoke to them in dreams and visions. They were given signs
that directed their paths. He still works in us today and in similar
ways. He leads us.
are blessed by the works of the Holy Spirit. He leads us through open
doors as He closes others. We are not discouraged because God uses us
for His Will and leads us to better and greater things! He loves us. He
is wise. He cares for us. Amen.
lessons of the Bible are still true and applicable to us today. Even
though the Apostles attempted to go into Bithynia on numerous occasions,
they were wise enough to follow the flow of the Spirit because He is
wise. He is also the Lord of the Harvest. He prepares and imparts. He
anoints and sends out. He leads His servants to the hungry and needy
that they might be healed and fed. He gathers the nations to Jesus
Holy Spirit of God gathers us together for our solemn assemblies. He
uses us in ways that we cannot imagine. He brings us Joy. He reveals to
us the mysteries of His Kingdom. We are encouraged as we see the fruit
that comes through the work of the Spirit of Jesus.
Thank you for the work of the Holy Spirit. Help me to see when
You are closing certain doors and opening others and that I am not to
try and stick something in the door that You have so wisely closed, so
that I might return to it again later. Even though it might be a
missionary journey and that my heart keeps taking me north and up that
mountain because of my immaturity, that You know this is not the right
time and that I am not ready. Help me to pick my battles wisely. Teach me Lord. I am not too blind to see. Lead me.
Use me as Your instrument. I trust in You Lord to make that thing
that is behind the closed door as good as dead to me. Give me a new
heart. Lead me and use me for Your Glory. You have shown me in the past
that when I follow You that Your Will always leads me to better and
greater things. I believe.
In Jesus's name.
Source: 'Drummiingthemessagehome', November 9, 2019, reposted.

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