War and Peace

'Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come.' Matthew 11:11-14 (NKJV)

And it was John the Baptist that started this powerful movement of God that brought people out of their homes and right smack dab into the watery face of their sins and their need for repentance and lifted them out of their despair and placed them on the narrow road toward heaven and Jesus and His Kingdom. Jesus himself said there was none greater and in heaven's reality the greater among men on earth will be considered the least. So the story goes.

And consider those men and women and who they were that was coming to right minded Kingdom knowledge in droves through the witness of John as he prepared the way. They were none other than publicans and sinners and the ignorant, of which the religious leaders and the elites of the day would say were just this sort of rabble rousing crowd and force to be reckoned with and Jesus couldn't be more satisfied.

His Kingdom, that was spoken of by the prophets and spoken into existence under Spiritual authority by John the Baptist himself was now come. It had begun in a time when people were so desperate for it. The longing and the desire was there, once again, for a better way to seek their God. They came by the thousands to hear Jesus and they believed. The old system was about to be taken down, brick by brick in a violent manner that would disrupt the entire world and the heavens. He had to destroy everything that was in the way to make room for the Good News of peace.

Through faith, Christ is leading Christians today to destroy the chains of sin that binds them and the systems that are put in place by evil men as a way to rule it over their fellow man in order to deny them access to God the Father. There's a war going on in the spiritual realm for the soul's of man. Through acts of violence, these men and women of Faith are praying their way into healing and prosperity and salvation and pushing their way with force right past the gates of the enemy and right into the loving hands of their Savior, Jesus and their freedom. It is a fight and well worth all the toil and tears. Christianity is still all that this world needs. Jesus is still the only Way. Glory be to God, for the battle rages on but the war has already been won!

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