Empty Grain Bins and Fullness of Joy.

'My heart overflows with joy when I think of how you showed your love to me by your financial support of my ministry. For even though you have so little, you still continue to help me at every opportunity. I’m not telling you this because I’m in need, for I have learned to be satisfied in any circumstance. I know what it means to lack, and I know what it means to experience overwhelming abundance. For I’m trained in the secret of overcoming all things, whether in fullness or in hunger. And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.

You’ve so graciously provided for my essential needs during this season of difficulty. Philippians 4:10-14 (TPT)

So there you are, helping me out yet again during my season of difficulty. And isn't that just like you? You are always busy planting seeds of righteousness and being about the Father's business. And isn't His glory being revealed through your acts of kindness? And isn't His glory being revealed through you by these acts of sympathy that you express towards one another?

It is so precious for me to be able to see how much you truly care for one another and for me. And amazingly enough, it's not only sympathy, but also the deep concern you show for my well being and for my ministry and that even leads me to believe that you would do everything you could do to help me out financially during my times of need. I can always count on you to be there for me. You were the only one that went to bat for me last year when the grain bins were empty. I can honestly say that Christ supplied all of my needs then and that He works through you even now. I appreciate all of your prayers and all of your support so much.

I thank you from the depths of my heart for your generosity. I want to thank you and to let you know how much your encouragement means to me. You encouraged me even through my darkest nights and most difficult trials so I want to encourage you. Though I have little of material value to give at this very moment, I share this, I have learned to trust God and to live through Christ who supplies me with more than I need and to be content. In knowing Him I am always blessed and can even report to you now that I have no financial needs at all at the present time. Praise God!

I am blessed and I am up early praying for you and writing to you, not only because I love you, but also because I want to encourage you to keep on being kind. Be kind to one another, for your kindness and your generosity do not go unnoticed by God. For even God notices how well you treat others and He will reward you for it in heaven. And not just then but yet even now, after harvest, your grain bins of life will be full and overflowing. Through Christ alone, He has given us the grace to do what is good and through Him we are blessed. Everything we have is from Him and so let us remember to thank Him and to do all things for Him.

I have figured out the mysteries of what it truly means to be alive in Christ. I know and have been trained in the secrets of overcoming; how to be both full and hungry and yet to both abound and to suffer need. It's only through the power of the Holy Spirit and because of my faith in Jesus that I am able to do it all and to take it all and still find fullness of joy. For in His presence I have everything that I need and can do everything that I need to do.

Dear Heavenly Father. Strengthen and provide for my friend today Lord. Fill her grain bins to overflowing. Heal her. Keep her in Your mighty presence of fullness of Joy. I trust and know that You will and I thank You for all that You do for us. In Jesus name. Amen. 
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