Spiritual Oxygen

Image may contain: ocean, sky, cloud, outdoor and water, text that says 'Every Word of God is Spirit and life. When you receive and obey the Word of God, the power of God works in you. Joshua'
'At the end of the three and a half days, the spirit of life that comes from God entered their corpses, raising them, and they stood again on their feet. Those who looked on were terrified by what they saw. Then they heard a great voice from heaven.

A Voice: Come up here!

Their enemies watched the spectacle as the witnesses ascended into heaven in a cloud.

In that same hour, a great earthquake shook the earth causing one-tenth of the city to crumble into dust, and 7,000 people were killed in the earthquake. Then the rest who were left alive, quaking in fear, turned and glorified the God of heaven.' Revelation 11:11-13 (VOICE)

Considering the days and times of the seasons, it appears that we are about to rise again. We are the church. We are the very ones with the dry bones. We are being called out. The call is there by a loud voice for us to come up here. Those of us that are asleep are being called to rise out of our slumber. We have had enough time to sleep. God is breathing new life and energy and spiritual oxygen into us again.

Get up! We were given a new life from God at our rebirth. That new life included the power of the living breathing Spirit from God. The Spirit of Life is being breathed again into her, the witnesses and the Church of God. God is restoring and making her magnificent in His image and He is glorified as those who looked on her with fear and respect, turned to Him, the Almighty God. Judgment day is coming to her enemies.

Spirit of Life breath on me this day! I want to look on you and live for you and glorify the God of heaven. 


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