Social Conditions

'“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets.' Matthew 7:12 (NLT)

'The suborning of false Witnesses, and Perjuries in the open Courts of Justice, and the Raising of Mobs to rescue Offenders, can aim at nothing less than the Wresting of the Sword from the hand of Justice, and employ it to be a Terror to the good, and a Protection to the Wicked.

The crying Sin of Sodomy, and the unnatural practices, worse than brutish, was, perhaps, never more common, except in those Cities which are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. The horrid Oaths and Curses, which are heard every Minute of every Day by those who go in the Streets, from the Mouths of Porters, Coachmen, Carmen, Watermen and others, calling up GOD Almighty to damn their own Souls, and the Souls of those to whom they speak, are enough to rend the Heavens, and sink us into Hell. The impugning the Divinity of our dear SAVIOR, (and even by some who have subscribed to the two first Articles of the Church of England, and by others who have received the Sacrament of His Supper immediately upon it) is such an Affront, which no crowned Heads would endure, if offered to a Son of their own, and can we think, that the King of Kings will always be silent, when the Glory of his only SON is so deeply concerned, whom he hath appointed to heir of all things and by whom also he made the worlds.' 

Source: Arthur Bedford MA, 'A Sermon before the Societies for the Reformation of Manners', Thursday 10 January 1733, Jos Downing, London, 1734, p.18, in Sion Library, Lambeth Palace.;

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