All the People Believed

' The people of Nineveh believed God’s message, and from the greatest to the least, they declared a fast and put on burlap to show their sorrow.' Jonah 3:5 (NLT)

Dear Father
Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for the message from Jonah to Jesus that seems so relevant to us today. For it is today, this day, March 15th, that our President has called us to pray. He has declared March 15th, 2020, as a National Day of Prayer amidst the coronavirus crisis. He reminds us to pray for one another as we ought as a country of believers throughout our great history have done. He reminds us to pray during good times and bad and to look to You for our protection and for our strength during times like these.

We have sinned against You Lord. We ask You for forgiveness. We follow our President's example and we pray. We follow Jonah's example and we pray. For even a small amount of light can illuminate the darkness, even a small amount of water can refresh a dry and thirsty land.  When we pray, we get closer to You and that alone is a good thing. Even some good can come out of a crisis. We know that You would not put sickness on Your people to punish us. We also know that this nation has gone astray and is in moral decay. We see evidence of that fact everywhere. 

Some people are acting foolishly out of fear. During times of crisis, some people will lose hope and turn to You. People are turning to You, Jesus, to save them. We also see evidence that Your message of hope is getting through. People are humbling themselves before You to pray. We are confessing our sins to You. We are hearing Your call upon our hearts and we are turning from our sins in repentance and obedience in an effort to escape Your wrath and to obtain the mercy that You so lovingly want to give. 

So we fast for our sins and we fast from sin in solidarity for reformation and the broken hearts that lead to the changes that are to come. We pray the Word. We ask for forgiveness for how we have been treating one another. We pray for those that the enemy wants to ruin through financial loss. We pray for peace and rest to be restored during these stormy times of chaos. We pray for knowledge of cures to increase. We pray for hygiene wisdom to prevail. We pray for our sovereignty as an independent nation to be restored. We pray for this nation to return to its first love which is You.

Thank you Lord for helping us to believe and for giving us courage and a President that is a great leader in Your sight. As an entire nation prays we believe that You will hear us. Confuse the plans of the enemy. Spare us. Heal us that none of the elderly shall die from this. We apply the blood of Jesus as in the days of old when You passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt to save the innocent young boys. Let this judgment pass. Let this death cloud pass over us as well. Heal our land. Use these times to bring more people to You and the saving knowledge of Christ.

We thank You for Your Mercy and Your Grace. We thank you for healing and saving us. We praise You for what You are doing. We worship You this day. Let Your Glory be over all the earth.

In Jesus's name we pray

Image result for jonah 3:5 picture quote


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