From Here to Eternity and Back Again

'All her carved images shall be beaten to pieces,
    all her wages shall be burned with fire,
    and all her idols I will lay waste,
for from the fee of a prostitute she gathered them,
    and to the fee of a prostitute they shall return.' Micah 1:7 (ESV)

For the sake of the gold and silver, all carved images will be beaten to pieces. 

Dear Father
Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for the words You gave us from the prophet Micah. Please forgive us when we have failed You and failed to expose those that blaspheme Your Great Name and corrupt Your Word. Please forgive those men and women in the Church that have deceived many and sought monetary gain from spiritual matters and religious doctrine. They were weak and committed spiritual adultery and did not teach the essentials. Your Temple will not protect false prophets and their punishments answer the sins and now, their very wealth will be destroyed by fire, their numbers will turn to naught, and their worthless idols shall be thrown down and trampled upon. When sin is found in Your people You will not spare them. They will be held responsible for their misguided ways.

Good riddance to the likes of those manipulators of truth and all of their ill-gotten gains. For the worship of man-made things and images which have come from nothing, have gained nothing in return and back to nothing is exactly where they will go. Good riddance to you the fakers and the imitators. Get ready. God is shaking the very foundations of His Church and those that aren't grounded in Truth are about to fall out on their heads. Ridding Her of the harlot and the money-changers, restoring Her back to traditional values, back to pure worship, back to time tested and time honored traditions of our Father. For You Lord, have found us in an unnatural state of laziness, covering up sin, pushing diversity and change and we have been found left wanting. Your Bride is not ready.

In Your eyes she has deserted You. She has taken her eyes off of You Jesus. She has neglected to teach the fundamentals of the Gospel and now it's too late for some. She gambled away the truth and she gambled with the lives of a lot of unsaved people. Now, all she has to show for her mega sized houses of worship is a lot of hungry souls. Hungry for substantial theological and practical solid spiritual Truth. No more cliches or empty words from her mouth. She will see that always taking the easy way around is a dead end street. What she needs is a good old Holy Ghost revival. What she needs is to go back to the old ways of doing things and preach the essentials. What she needs is more of the Holy Ghost and Fire.

The Holy Ghost is power. The Holy Ghost is where we go to serve the meat of the Bible. The Holy Ghost is where we go to find our messages that feed and spiritually satisfy. The Holy Ghost is where words are spoken, and  disciples are made. The Holy Ghost never neglects the dogma for the cheap imitation. We've piled up books and papers to the moon of our own opinions that didn't matter all that much. We need to hear what the Holy Ghost has to say! True Love exposes the false. We've lost a generation of young people who demanded safe zones and quick easy fixes to difficult problems that deserved more. True Love announces the Good News! We need to see what the Holy Ghost is doing!

Forgive us Lord. We've dishonored You in the process. We've failed to do the heavy lifting. We never paid the price or gave the time of day to Holy Spirit. We never knew You. We never cared enough to tell the Truth or to put the theory into practice. We deserted You. Now at the first sign of trouble, our doors are closed. We are inspiring no one. We are serving no one. Your Word is silent.  And yet, You remain.

There is Hope. Holy Spirit is about to break out! He won't be silenced. God, Your Holy Word inspires and heals everyplace that it is spoken. The rocks are about to cry out! We won't be silenced! Your Name heals. Your Name saves. You are restoring it all for us from here to eternity and back again. We pray the Word. We sing the Word. We teach the Word. We believe the Word. Jesus, You are the Word. Hallelujah! Amen

Hallelujah to Your name. Jesus, You are Great. Jesus, You are worthy of our praise. Jesus, we will praise Your name forever. Jesus, to You be the Glory. Stay beside us. Thy Will be done. Help us to take back what the enemy has stolen.

In Jesus's name.


Image result for micah 1:7 picture quote


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