Jesus Moments

'On the third day at daybreak, there were loud claps of thunder, flashes of lightning, a thick cloud covering the mountain, and an ear-piercing trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp shuddered in fear.

Moses led the people out of the camp to meet God. They stood at attention at the base of the mountain.

Mount Sinai was all smoke because God had come down on it as fire. Smoke poured from it like smoke from a furnace. The whole mountain shuddered in huge spasms. The trumpet blasts grew louder and louder. Moses spoke and God answered in thunder. God descended to the peak of Mount Sinai. God called Moses up to the peak and Moses climbed up.' Exodus 19:16-20 (MSG)

Whenever I am tempted to put God in a box I think of these Moses' moments. At the base of Mount Sinai, while His chosen people were in the wilderness, right before God gave Moses The Law God descended to the peak and He manifested His presence before the people and preached a message to them like no other was ever given. His sermon that day was one of power. He had a plan.

In power and in might He spoke through the fire that third day and the mountain shook. He answered Moses' questions and the people asked what must I do to be saved. His response then to those who wandered was, as it always is to those of us who are willing and curious enough to ask now, you must be holy and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

The Holy Ghost then took the things of God and made the Law to convict them of their sin, that same Spirit now uses Christ and His Gospel truths to bring us out of the wilderness. When we hear the trumpet blasts of the Lord we are drawn to Him as he calls us up higher and higher. Given the entire experience of the sights and sounds of God around the mountain are enough to make us shudder in fear and respect and then there is Moses leading us out of the camp to meet Him in all of His Glory.

There is Glory. There is our Lord. On our salvation day, Jesus himself came down out of that mountain to greet us. He pointed out certain things along life's way that He wanted us to see. On our journey we saw our destination mountain just past the three empty crosses. We walked past the tomb where the Lord lay and as we peeked inside we saw that the tomb was empty. The Theophany at Sinai was on the third day. And the symbolism couldn't be more clear. And wasn't it on the third day. that Jesus rose from the dead to redeem us?

Jesus saves. He saves now just as He saved us then. The Law could not save us but He did. He died for us and He took our place on that cross so that we might escape the punishment that was due us for our sins. Whenever I am tempted to put God in a box I think of these Jesus moments and I thank Him for giving me access and doing for me what I could not do for myself. All hail! King Jesus!

 9-15-15. Exodus 19:9-25. Get Consecrated And Come To God – my ...


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