Justice is Severe

'Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off.' Romans 11:22 (NASB)

In severity is a message, Your message to those you have called, a message of love and correction. Darkness needs light. Immorality needs to be confronted. That's God's mercy. That's the Gospel. God's Goodness.  There is Balance and Order in the Kingdom. There should be restored respect, humility, and fear of God from those that fall away. My prayers are for the nation and the images I still have of our political leaders cheering victory over passing legislation last year for full term abortions. I pray for forgiveness for these. Legalizing death of innocence is immoral to a God that's Word brings Life.

God loves us. He wakes us up to get our attention first, to tell us what we need to know and do. Like balanced scales, He is patient with us. but not too much. Like balanced scales He is merciful, but not for too long. We can feel assured that nothing we do misses His gaze as well. Who He loves He also disciplines. Who He loves He also judges. He will stay His hand even for five righteous people.

I will write. I will ask questions. And we should say, Lord, Judge us even now. For didn't God create us to worship Him? Doesn't He demand more intimacy from us? He calls us to repentance and to get involved in his Kingdom building projects. The building project of Kindness! Social justice. There is no justice for society except for the individual. Social distancing? There is no society that is God fearing that would order its citizens to avoid physical contact with one another.

Dear Father
Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for Your Ways. Thank you for Your righteousness. We pray for the nation. That it not fall as Israel did to pride and arrogance and display a superior attitude. But no. Humility. Keep us humble and dependent on You Lord. Keep us close to you. Keep us safely under Your wings. Steady hands for pruning but not cutting us off. Inspect our fruit for much of it tastes good. Many of Your sons and daughters love You and live Your Gospel. Show kindness to those who show Your kindness. Do not remove our standing.

Lord help us. Lord lead us. Lord speak to us now.  Keep your sentencing to the individual and to the severity of the crime. Bring down those lawless anti-Christ leaders. Protect the rest of us. Show us what You want us to do. Show us Your mercy and help us to overcome. Do not cut us off.

We behold your severity and how You dealt with Israel. They sinned. They lost their way and their standing and fell from grace because of their rebellion to Your Holy Will and Your Way. They became wicked, arrogant and immoral. Some of us have become like them. We are guilty. We plead for mercy. We repent. We will obey. We see now more clearly how there is a point where the scales of justice are tipping and that You can tolerate sin no more. Justice is severe.

Restore Your Kingdom of righteousness in America. Make us strong again we pray. Do not remove Your Spirit. Do not leave us hopeless and give Your Gospel to another Holy Fruit producing nation. Thank you for this wake-up call.  We love you Lord. Through You we will soar again. We will sing for You again. We will dance before You again.
In Jesus's name.

Source: Biblegateway.com; Biblehub.com; google.com.

The Goodness And Severity Of God | Good things, God, Pentecost


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