Can You Hear me Now

'Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;' Romans 5:1-3 (NIV)

My meditations this morning bring me to a place of wonder. My prayer is to experience more of what God has for me through the Holy Spirit's anointing. I pray for eyes to see all that I have access to because of my faith in Christ Jesus.

Because of my faith in Jesus, He has transferred God's righteousness to me and now I am justified and flawless in His eyes. I am joint heirs with Jesus and now I know and enjoy true peace with God. He does not hold my sins against me.

Because of my faith in Jesus, He has given me access to God. There is no veil, no line of demarcation, nothing between me and God's grace. I have access now to God, even from where I am, if I could just lift up my eyes and see the things of God more clearly with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Because of our faith in Jesus, He has given us a joy unspeakable that leads us to celebrate in the hope we have of experiencing God's Glory. Don't you see it? God is doing a new thing and it continues today. Can't you feel it? God is doing a great thing in His Kingdom and through His believers. We can hear You again Lord! We have been lied to and we have been tied to a lot of things in the flesh and our soul has been heavy, but now we can see You face to face and we call forth Your miracles. All we have to do is to walk towards Your voice.

In You we find all that we need. We will follow the straight way. We won't take our eyes off You for even one second. No falling. No drifting. Full access. Blessings and healing, we call them forth in the name of Jesus. We will not be moved. Thank You, Lord, for giving us the freedom that comes from access to You.



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