Anniversary Celebration

'“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”' Luke 4:18-19 (TPT)

Jesus fulfilled most of the Messianic prophesies in the Old Testament, even though most of His chosen people still do not believe and refuse to see the truth. This prophesy of Isaiah was for them then and later repeated by Jesus himself in that small synagogue of Nazareth. He said 'I have come'. He is the Anointed One, sent by the Father and with the Spirit of the Lord upon Him. Today, and everyday we remember Him and celebrate this Anniversary. 

He is the Anointed One and Deliverer sent from the Father that we have been hoping for. What a gift He is to us. During that time, the majority of His chosen people were scattered. When they heard these words of hope from the lips of the Savior those that remained were hopelessly crushed under the weight of servitude. His mission was one of service to the poor and sadly, many of the wealthy and powerful in His day were skeptical and spiritually blind. They mocked Him and saw Him as a threat to their power and refused to believe. 

But we can find Joy and believe this day that God sent Him to us to give freedom for the brokenhearted, both Jew and Gentile. Because He is God, there are no limits on Him as far as the gifts and graces of the Spirit. He is omnipotent. 

He is Perfect and He is Love and through Christ, sinners can be loosed from the bonds of guilt. 'You are set free!' He came to give light through His Word to those in darkness and by His Power to restore sight to the blind with 'the message of Jubilee'. 

As believers, may we honor Him as the Son of God and the Savior of men and seek to show the world that we Love Him by our obedience during this time of God's great acceptance. Amen. 

Dear Father 

We honor you this day with our worship and praise. We believe. We declare the Good News of Your Message. This is the message of Jubilee! You have given freedom to the brokenhearted, and given new eyes to the blind, and preached to the prisoners and You have set us free. We accept You as our Lord and Savior. We thank You for Your service and sacrifice. We choose to obey You. 

In Jesus's name.

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', March 27, 2020 blog post.

Sisters in christ by Jen Wilkins on God's Word | Christ quotes, Jesus


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