The Doxology, The Greeting and the Benediction

'Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever! Amen. Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, especially those who are from Caesar's household. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen .' Philippians 4:20-23 (EHV)

And now, this day, I declare that I shall praise Him. He is worthy of my praise. My praises go out to Him today. I will praise Him all day. To God, whom all blessings flow, for He is my Father in Christ, Glory, forever and ever and for all eternity! Amen.

And why does this verse in Philippians inspire me so? It is because of Christ Jesus and all of the great things that He has done. It is because of His present mercies and the hope of glory to come. It is because of the glory that is His. His blessings flow out of it and unto me for I am nothing without Christ. He is everything. He means the whole world to me. He completes me. He saves me. His kindness is my reward. His Glory and happiness is mine today in Him and is to be expected for evermore. For all of the Grace that is within Him that He alone gives me now, I shall praise Him.

He supplies all of my needs. He supplies my every want both in the natural and in the spiritual. His riches and goodness are eternal and eternally mine in Him. He is the ultimate source of all faith, hope and love. Surely, adoring praises are due Him.

And I greet you my brothers and sisters in Christ. For we know that every good gift is from Him and comes from above. He is Holy and He is Grace and He continually shines His favor on us all. His Grace lasts forever. His Grace is free and is freely given. In His favor is the place that we long to be. The healing place. The dwelling place. The mansion that He has prepared for us in eternity. To God be the Glory. To God be the praise.

In the doxology, in the greeting and in the benediction I shall praise Your name Lord forever! Amen.

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', July 31, 2019, reposted.
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