Don't Forget to Celebrate

'Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV)

The direction went out to all. Go and enjoy. Everyone was included in the instruction to go. He was not pointing to a certain group but even included those that had nothing prepared. Send some choice food and sweet drinks to them. No fasting. No grieving. This is a holy day unto the Lord! To the rich and to the poor, to the widows and to the orphans, to the young and to the old, he said, do not grieve.  The wall was completed. The work was finished. The first great revival and preaching and understanding of the Word had taken place! It was time to celebrate with good food and drink. Find the joy in that. The strength is right there. Find the Lord in that. The joy is right there. Joy. Joy. Joy.

Some may have legitimate reasons to grieve. Things and loved ones may be lost. Wars may never cease. Bills may never end. The enemy may never sleep. No matter what the circumstance, this is the day we are to find our peace. There is peace there, when we learn to give God the first part of our day He revives us. When we learn to live behind His wall of security He keeps us safe. There we will find the peace that passes all understanding. There we will find the peace that comes from knowing the Lord as personal Savior. Then we will have the peace that comes from the joy of the Lord. The evidence is clear. His hand of security is holding it all together. Nothing can snatch us out of the great and powerful hand of God. 

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