Welcome to Apologetics

'But respect Christ as the holy Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have, 16 but answer in a gentle way and with respect. Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak evil of your good life in Christ will be made ashamed.' 1 Peter 3:15-16 (NCV)

Prayers like incense are beginning to rise up to the Throne Room of Heaven during this Passover between Pentecost season and Your beloved Church will continue to rise up to defend You Lord. Welcome to Apologetics!  She was knocked down by the enemy before and today even though she may be panting she is still breathing. She is alive and well and beginning to give the world an answer to the call. And She is ready. Holy Spirit has prepared Her for this day! Thank you God.

The Church, we are the Bride of Christ, and we are prepared to defend our rights against a world that hated You, Jesus, first. We believe that is so only because they do not know You and are deceived by the enemy. How could they know You if we don't tell them. We believe in You Jesus. You have given us a platform. We will speak. We have a clear conscience. Bring shame on those that speak evil against our good life in You. Breathe life into these dry bones as we take our stand to the streets in defense of the poor and the weak. So many of Your followers are the small business owners that are concerned about the tyranny of big government control and shutdown and loss of life for life.  We pray.

We pray and we fast for the President and for his administration and for more signs and wonders from You Lord. We defend liberty and stand against atheism and complacency and appeasement. We pray for a fresh anointing of Holy Spirit style power surge to restore and retake ground. Give us strength to be able to love the unlovely and to give our testimony to a hurting world. 

We continue the fight through the night and to pray and repent until You wake America up to defend her freedom. You've never failed us yet. We will not fail You. You are the reason for the Hope that is within us. We will pray and vote until we see You mobilize us again. We will pray and get involved in Your very own plans. We will pray for Christians throughout the world that are under persecution. We will get involved in Your Will and pro-life anti-abortion efforts to save lives until You call us home.  Amen.

Dear Father.
Thank you for Your Word. I praise You for the right to defend it. I speak proudly in defense of Christianity and Truth and Life and am well equipped with Your Holy Spirit to give evidence to the fact that it is superior to Greek philosophical ideas and to the modern audience that has made science their religion. I speak boldly through You in defense of what is Right in order to expose the lies and unbelief that lives in human hearts so that You might save them. I speak humbly through You in order to declare to the world that You are the One True and Living God who fulfilled Old Testament Prophecy and I worship You and You alone as my Lord and Savior.
In Jesus's name I pray.

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', April 19, 2020 blog post.

Introduction to Apologetics - Lesson 1


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