Drum Beat of Praise

 'The musicians were playing loudly and the singers were singing. Jezrahiah led them, and together the sounds filled the city. Everyone was rejoicing and making sacrifices to God in their great joy—even the women and children got involved. Far outside Jerusalem the noise from our celebration could be heard.' Nehemiah 12:42-43 (VOICE) 

Another cause for celebration - the wall! Brick by brick, Nehemiah had been faithful to see that it was completed even to the end and now... who was he giving credit to? He would not take the credit for all that was done for himself but turned the people's attention to none other than God. God, the Giver of all things Great. And this was a great day. It was a day in history when a nation was restored and her people were feeling safe and protected from her enemies again. It was a day and a cause for a national celebration, even the women and children got involved. There she was leading the worship with her drum beat of praise. On that day, the wall was dedicated and to God be the glory because the wall was completed and was right there for everyone with a heart for it to see. It was no small accomplishment and it symbolized national pride and anyone could look at it and know that a once great nation was coming back. They were coming back and in so many ways.

This could be our story of redemption as well. Restore the pride. Restore the wall. Restore the spirit of the people. Not only that but while we are at it we could renew our covenants with God and appoint our church officials and arrange for them to clean up the place and for services to be restored back to full glory again by reinstating the tithes and the things that help to support their work. And when we see the spirit moving in the natural then that spirit of fresh anointing might even fall on the people of God again and the Holy Spirit could renew our spirits and turn our hearts back to our God. Some great day and soon. We need more Christians. 

God has not abandoned us. He will never leave us, no, it was us that left Him. Just as He did back then, God could revive us again as a nation and even give us reason to celebrate and He does. And, we will respond to Him, because He is great, by bringing our sacrifices of praise to Him and by repenting for neglecting our religious responsibilities to Him. He could restore us. He could revive us and bring order to His people. When we look at the things around us being restored, then there will also be a new spirit of hope in the air that everyone could be able to feel. Our feelings could be turned into our actions as we begin to respond to a new move of the spirit in such an outburst of praise that the noise of it would be heard far outside the nation. Bring it on. Let's do it now! Let's unite for the cause of a great nation turning back to God. When this happens, it will be exciting to see the joy on their faces and even more to hear their praises in the far away places. Thank You God.

The joy of the people was heard back then for miles! The events of the day were seen by the people in connection with what had been accomplished by themselves and their leaders. The wall was completed, but not only that, the entire city had been restored and it was beautiful again. Just look around you people of Israel. Can you even imagine it? The excitement they must have felt. The pride for what they had accomplished brought unity to their hearts and good feelings were everywhere and the excitement level was raised to the highest level. They were at their highest level of excitement and praise broke out. That's what we are called to do when something goes right. We are called to express our approval and admiration towards something or someone. We are called to give credit where credit is due. We are called to praise God from whom all blessings flow. 

Play it loud musicians. Play it loud! Jez, lead your people. Singers let your voices be heard and fill the city! How can we be silent? Our God has done and is doing a great thing for His people. Darkness has been pushed back. God is great and He deserves our praises. Let the people rejoice. Let us be glad. We have found favor in Him, we are even highly favored. He has shown His favor on us all and our faith in Him has been restored. Our God is making a way for us to turn back to Him. Fill us again with great wonder and joy. To God be the Glory!

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', June 19, 2019, repost.

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