Too Late to Get to Heaven

'And this is the truth: God has given us the gift of eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  If you have the Son, you have eternal life. If you do not have the Son of God, you are not acquainted with true life.' 1 John 5:22-23 (VOICE)

 Don't miss this. It is truth. To the one that refuses to trust and to obey Christ as the Son of God and to believe that he died for the sins of all, this one is therefore because of his own decision, condemned and is dead in sin. God is Holy. Because God Loves us He sent His only Son Jesus to die for us. As long as we still have breath in our lungs it's not too late!

Christ is the only way to heaven. There are no other forms of morality, no greater teaching of ideas, no encouraging words of faith that will cover this sin of omission. Christ is the High Priest. He lives to intercede for us. He died on the Cross for us and his blood was shed as a sacrifice for you and me, an atonement for our sins. He defeated death. He arose from the tomb and is alive. He wants to give us the gift of eternal life. We ought to give a shout of praise to the One True God! Hallelujah!

Dear Father,

Thank you for your Word. Thank you for giving us the gift of life. Thank you for the works of Your Son, who died to take away my sins. Because of Jesus, I have eternal life. Jesus is the Hope of Glory. I praise You Father for all the great things that you have done.  You Reign Supreme. King Victorious!

I pray for those who refuse to accept the gift of eternal life. They must know that one day it will be too late for them. In this life we all must die. One day it will be too late to get to heaven. Death comes to us all. I pray that today is the day that they decide to have Jesus and through Him to have eternal life.

Thank you Lord for souls saved and a glorious harvest! Amen.

This twenty-third day before the election I pray for chaos to cease and for orderliness to reign. I join the massive prayer movement of the Saints in lifting up our president and his administration. I pray for his health and for the spiritual health of our nation. I bind the evil work of witchcraft and death that is reportedly behind this virus. I loose the things of heaven including healing, health and life in Jesus' name. Make these next four years about restoring what we have lost and about unity and building Your Kingdom together. Dear Lord I pray... 

In Jesus' name.


Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', October 11, 2020 blog post.
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