First Veil

'“And you shall make a veil of blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen. It shall be made with cherubim skillfully worked into it. And you shall hang it on four pillars of acacia overlaid with gold, with hooks of gold, on four bases of silver. And you shall hang the veil from the clasps, and bring the ark of the testimony in there within the veil. And the veil shall separate for you the Holy Place from the Most Holy.' Exodus 26:31-33 (ESV

Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year for those of the Jewish faith. It means 'Day of Atonement'. This year, 2019, it was celebrated on October 8-9. What might the significance be when my Bible study group, following a study plan, discussed 'the Holiest' day on the day that it was celebrated? Perhaps, the purpose of it was to encourage me and to place in me a desire to dig a little deeper into the types of veils, all four of them, and their symbolism in the tabernacle.

What was the significance for Biblical worship of the first veil in the Tabernacle? There it is in Exodus, God giving Moses instructions on how to construct the Tabernacle. He was to make the veil using the three colors of yarns and fine twisted linen. Blue for sky in that we might look up into the heavens. Purple for royalty and red for blood. Even the twisting of the linen for strength, all symbols of the Lord Jesus that was to come. Cherubim were worked in to represent the angels that are always involved and near. All the gold was to represent God. And for its placement, the veil was to be used to separate the two rooms, the Holy Place from the Most Holy. It was to be used as a barrier to prevent access. It was to be the veil between heaven and earth.

No one was to go into the Most Holy place. That was where God resided. Only the priests were allowed into the Holy Place and only one was chosen every year to enter the Most Holy place on the Day of Atonement. I am so glad that God has established His ways and the Way we are to do things. In Biblical worship, the only Way to God in the New Covenant is through His Son, Jesus Christ. He is our best assurance and we can have access to the Father because of the sacrifice that Jesus made of Himself for us.

Dear Father. Forgive us for our sins. Thank you for Your Word. We thank You for Your Mercy and Grace. We thank You for the New Covenant. We worship You this day in the Way that You have directed us. We serve You and worship You for who You are as Your Glory is revealed to us through Your saving Grace and son Jesus Christ.  We thank You that He was the perfect sacrifice and that through His blood we find our atonement for sin and our freedom to worship You. He is our High Priest and through His death the veil in the Temple was torn so that we might have access to You now.

 Come and tabernacle with us. Be our God and we will be your people. Put into the offices of government the people that you have chosen to serve us. Twenty-two more days Lord! Destroy the schemes of the enemy. We thank You for the ministry of the Holy Spirit for He is that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. We call on that power of anointing to do Your will.

 In Jesus's name.


Source: "Drummingthemessagehome', October 12, 2019, post.

 Exodus 26:31–33 (ESV) - Exodus 26:31–33 ESV - “And you shall make a… |  Biblia


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