Resting in God's Love For Me

'And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”' Mark 12:30-31 (ESV)

To love. God and your neighbor. As much as we physically can. To sheer exhaustion. Resting in God's Love. God's will. His plan. Slow down. Remit. For all eternity. Forever and ever. Your will be done. Amen.

Dear Father

Thank you for your Word. Your word is Truth. We see and we feel who we are to be in Christ. We know that you are Love. We know and we are to the best of our ability with the help of the Lord and Comforter be a reflection of your Love to the world. To a world that is hurting and dying. That is our purpose. To love them as we have loved you. As we have been loved by you. Continue to fill us and to renew us daily. We are tired. We will wait. Take us to the limit and mold us into laborers of your Love. Love excelling. Lights of truth to your passion. Prayer warriors and intercessors to the ones that do not know you.

I pray for those who cannot see their own way out. I pray for the young mother that has been given a diagnosis that leads to death. I pray for the young father with only a short amount of time left here on earth. I see that sometimes the doctors can only do so much and then they reach their limits and can offer no hope. No hope and yet there is hope in you. There is hope in prayer. Death is cruel. It is so final.  A harsh reality to the result of sin. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is - death.

There is your mighty power for healing in prayer. There you are, waiting with greater love and willing to heal whenever I ask. So I am, this day on my knees, humbly asking, begging, pleading for your divine intervention into hearts, into minds, into physical bodies. Do the miraculous. Do what you are capable of. In power. To infinity and beyond! Love. In Love. Heal. In healing. Renewing. Make them like brand new. And I give you all the glory. You are doing greater things. Always loving us to the outer limits of amazing. Thank you dear Lord.

Thank you for my friend that always reminds me to pray. It's not a burden. It's a blessing to know that you are using me in this way. Whenever I pray, I pray with confidence that You hear me. I pray resting in Your love for me. I pray in boldness knowing of your great love for others. 

I pray for this election and it is only twenty-eight days away now. How incredible the process. How much still needs to be done. Flood us now with your love. Heal this nation. She needs you. Take her through the fire. Redeem her. Save her. Bring us back together in unity. Deliver us a victory. Restore us. Forgive us. Give us a nation that Loves one another yet again. Give us wisdom. Give us peace. Let your will be done. Then we all win.

In Jesus' mighty name.


Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', October 6, 2020 blog post.

 Mark 12:30-31 — Verse of the Day for 08/30/2013


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