Do Not Live in Fear

' but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”' Luke 22:32 (ESV)

Only depend on God. Jesus knew all of his disciples would fall. They would turn on one another. They would deny that they even knew Him. Jesus prayed for them. And after the conflict and they turned again to Jesus, they were able to strengthen one another in the faith.

Dear Father

Thank you that Jesus prays for me. Thank you that He wants the best for me and that He cares for me. No matter what the world takes me through I can keep the faith and turn to Him and find strength to even be an encouragement to my brothers and sisters. Thank you Lord for your strength. Thank you for your mighty hands. Thank you for your grace and mercy. I know that you suffered through my weaknesses so that I might not have to. In you I find my Peace. In you I find Rest. You are my Savior.

Father, I pray for my country this thirty-second day before the election.Keep our President and First Lady healthy. Pray for us Lord. Continue to intercede and to expose the corruption and illuminate the darkness. Thank you for turning us back to you and to the joy that you have planned for us. You are our only Hope. You are our Light.

In Jesus' name.


Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', October 2, 2020 blog post.

Luke 22:32 | Read bible, Scripture pictures, Bible


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