Hit or Miss? You Have Got to Swing First

'Remind people of these things, as you solemnly charge them in the presence of God not to fight about words, which does no good and only ruins those who listen. Make every effort to present yourself to God as one who is approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, correctly handling the word of truth. As for pointless chatter, avoid it, for it will lead to an ever greater measure of godlessness, and their message will spread like gangrene. This includes Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have veered away from the truth, saying that the resurrection has already happened. They are overturning the faith of some.' 2 Timothy 2:14-18 (EHV)

So, as I hit my nine month goal on Sunday I wondered what that significant day would bring to my diligence. Would I still be committed to following through with everything? What about the early morning prayer? I could gain sleep, but lose hearing from Him. What about the time I spend expanding and developing the Word that He gives me? I could go back to the five minute devotionals or I could stay faithful to my two hour commitment to prayer and continue to gain the knowledge that leads to the Truth that leads to the rightly dividing. What have I got to lose? I am over half way there. What about studying to learn even more about His promises and making every effort to follow His lead? I could take back the hit or miss Bible reading habits and bring back the godless pointless chatter of the past, or I could hit the target and find even more joy by finding out more about Him and where He wants to lead me.

What new thing could be born out of a nine month commitment? I wondered if reaching that goal would bring about a change in my determination to get to know Him better. I had a thought that I might lose interest, just like in times past, and quit. But then Monday came and nothing had changed. Then Tuesday and Wednesday, and nothing happened. What is up with this? On Thursday it finally hit me. I am hooked. I am totally overcome. I am undone. I won't be able to go back to the old hit or miss scheduled prayer time with God again! With each day, it brings me that much closer to writing that book, but even greater than that, with each day I am finding out just how much He really loves me.

What was I thinking before? There is so much to lose but even more to gain by staying plugged into the source of constant flow! During my days of staying faithful, He changed me. I can't imagine going back now to the way I was doing things before with too many spiritually dry days to count. I am not ashamed to say that I want His approval. I want more of Him. He is always there waiting for me every morning and He never disappoints. I know that this relationship takes work on my part and a higher level of commitment from me, but there is so much more to gain from Him! The excitement that each day brings turns the legalism that the world wants to call it into what it really is. A love. A joy. An excitement that I have never known. A day without hearing from Him is just like a week without vitamins; brain fog, no energy, forgetfulness, apathy, no direction and sickness!

As the lyrics say, I am so blessed! Thank you God for saving my soul. Thank you God for making me whole. Thank you God for giving to me a life and a life more abundantly.

Dear Father

Thank you for your Word of Truth. Speak to us through your prophets. Lead us in your way. Forgive us of our trespasses.

This twenty-ninth day before the election I pray for unity. May your anointed candidate win.

In Jesus' name.


Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', October 5, 2018 blog post.




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