To the 7th Degree

'Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed. He ordered the furnace heated seven times hotter than usual' Daniel 3:19 (NIV)

To the leaders that are unprepared for the likes of young people full of passion. For the wicked rulers who demand men to bow a knee to them, and worship them like gods. To the world that has lost its way and punishes the faithful to the extreme, even death. We pray for thee. Let the world know that we worship no one but the One True God. Amen.

Dear Father

We pray for evil leaders that desire to turn their nation into evil. We lift up righteousness and righteous leaders, we lift You up. You are the One True God in whom we serve. You are the Holy God in whom we believe. You provide the God-fearing leaders that we need when we need them. We pray for those leaders. We pray for more people with courage to refuse to bow the knee to mere man. Even when we live in times when there seems to be no hope, we find our Hope in You. We trust in You alone. We worship You for You are, Life and Hope to us. You do Good and no evil thing. You Save and You Transform. You love us too much to leave us the way You found us. Thank you for Your Word.

We pray this fifty-first day before the election, we pray for our leaders in government Lord. Raise up the ones with pure hearts. Those leaders that strive to make us free to do what we want to do. Those leaders that strive to make the government as small as possible, and willing to give up power. We really do not want them to tell us what to do and how to live Lord! Keep our government officials focused on You and Godly principles. We need people in government that want Christian values. Bring back truth and justice in government. Give them courage to do the hard work, to stand up against tyranny, to bring the lawbreakers to justice. We need to see You move in this great land that you love. To God be the Glory.

In Jesus' name.


Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', September 11, 2020 blog post.

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