Neck, Necklace and God
ever forget kindness and truth. Wear them like a necklace. Write them
on your heart as if on a tablet. Then you will be respected and will
please both God and people.' Proverbs 3:3-4 (NCV)
'Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ All the law and the writings of the prophets depend on these two commands.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NCV)
My heart's desire should be to have the inward kind of love and truth that Jesus has for me and to express it outwardly through my actions of good deeds towards others. I am to be quick to forgive them of their offenses. I am to be tenderhearted and sympathetic towards their cause. God first loved me, so I am to love Him with everything I've got and then I am to go and do likewise. God loves us so much we surely ought to love each other.
Of these things of God relating to love I am to bind His Law about my neck and wear His Commandments like a gold necklace as to always keep them in plain view to inspire me. I am to keep them in plain view as a reminder of the neck and the importance of what God has created. The neck connects the higher to the lower and I submit my neck to You and sacrifice my will for Your own. I am to keep my focus on Christ and His creation and in keeping all the while looking beyond the natural and even unto the supernatural and I am to thank the Holy Spirit for writing what is important to Him upon the tablets of my heart so that I might not forget them. I won't forget them. They are life to me. They are truth.
In remembering God's love I might also be encouraged to perform and to do similar acts of kindness for others just like He does for me. So that all might see them there, through my own conduct and my behavior and He might be pleased when they see Him through me, to God be the Glory, and that through Him all might go well with me. Do it now says the Lord! Be a women of faith and bring out the beautiful things that are hidden in My Kingdom!
Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', July 2, 2019, reposted.
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