The Wheel of Power

'The wheels sparkled as if made of beryl. All four wheels looked alike and were made the same; each wheel had a second wheel turning crosswise within it.  The beings could move in any of the four directions they faced, without turning as they moved.' Ezekiel 1:16-17 (NLT) 

And because of You we pray, and in the end we know that our prayers move You for it is said that the moment Jesus took the scroll that the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down and worshiped Him, 'Each had a harp and each had a bowl, a gold bowl filled with incense, the prayers of God's holy people.' Revelation 5:8 (MSG) 

Dear Father
Thank you for Your Word. Thank you for the words of the prophet Ezekiel. We read Your Word and we are encouraged by it, for in his vision of the four living creatures that are round about You, Ezekiel speaks of plurality in unity and purpose and of how You are in control of all things. Oh the Glory of that amazing vision. The vision which speaks of the beauty of Your Church. Oh how safe and lovely She is. How the four creatures control that big beautiful wheel,  as it moves with them by their thoughts or perhaps their feet. And we are assured of Your Favor upon us, we have free will and yet You are Sovereign over all things and somehow control everything in Your creation. How utterly amazing You are.

You that see and know the one thing, knows all things. You keep it all together. You keep the world in motion, and at all times one part of the wheel is front facing in response to adversity. The power is in the wheel and it is predictable and always moving and controlling that which You have created. For with You there is no need to fear. Your Love is greater. Because of You we move and breathe and have our being. Nothing will diminish it, nothing will go undetected, nothing will get through it, nothing will fly above it, nothing will slither below it, nothing will separate us, not even death, from the all powerful omnipotent Love of God. 

Your design is perfect, the hub, the spokes, the rim, it will not be unfolded or torn apart for therein lies the strength in how the parts of it are all connected. There is Order, there is beauty, there is equality, there is freedom, there are hierarchies, one wheel within the other, yet all the same. The things of the Spirit have authority and are above and in heaven. Your angels are serving You. Your angels are worshiping You. Your Spirit is in them and in the wheel. Your believers are linked in. On earth there is nature and the face of man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. There is a code. We all know it and we are all connected to You and to each other through the Love of Jesus. 

The four wheels are all alike. Like the true believers in You, who profess the same faith, and believe in the same Power and Authority. There is but one God and only one Spirit. We all operate under the same Gospel. We work for the same King of Kings. We are one in mission, faith and creed. We, the true believers, are inspired and in awe of the enormous size of Your great power and strength. Eyes are all around the great wheel. Wisdom guides its every move. Faith is its shield. Hope is eternal for there is absolutely nothing that is ever left out or left to chance or good fortune.

When sounds about awaken us, we hear Your voice from heaven and we are calmed by You. No fear. Only awe. Only worship. Only silence in the face of The One so Great! How can we fail? We are the Called. We are the Equipped. We are armed. We are ready! For Your Nation's sake. In Jesus's name. Amen

Source: 'Drummingthemessagehome', March 17, 2020 blog post.


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