Behold! Your Deliverance

'For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.'

 Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)

The end to another decade is upon us, and thus the completion is at hand. Soon enough we will see a new thing, that in which we have not seen before, but still, that in which God has already begun. The plans were already made. The path has been determined, yet it is not apparent to me now, it soon enough will be. New things. Never before seen things. God will make a way.

Water. I must go through the waters of uncharted territory, and yet, He has been there and has already planted the seeds in which my harvest will grow. What an amazing harvest that will be. Even in the wilderness, an oasis it will seem like to me. Enough. More than enough energy. Productivity. In abundance. Activity. Ever increasing. 

There will be more, more than enough provisions provided. Skills and ability have also already been supplied. More than enough light and He is the guide. The door behind us is closing. A door. Just up ahead. A door is opening. The door to a new day. The door to our healing. The door to our revival. The door to our salvation. Here we go. We will walk through it together and we will be amazed. A message, for the one who has been patient, persevered and waited. Behold! Your deliverance. Jesus is coming again soon!


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